Fangyu Qing
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Communication. I am interested in how power is re-imagined, re-interpreted and re-exercised by ICTs, and my research object is the smart city projects. For now, I have focused mainly on China, but I am open to discussing this question in other places in Asia. I wish to contribute to discussing the possibility of different urban futures through my research. Recently, I enjoy yoga and wandering around in MMORPG video games.
Relevant Experience
- 2023, Panel Member, 'Human-Centred AI' Scouting Report Launch Session, The ArtEZ University of the Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2022-now, Researcher, Platform Imagianries in China, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (collaborated by Prof. Oliver Chan)
Recent Activities
- The Last Mile as Space? A Review of Ashish Rajadyahksha’s Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India (Last Mile Blog Series 2)
- The Last Political Mile: “The Last Mile” as a Metaphor (Last Mile Blog Series 1)
- Artificial Intelligence: Systems of Intentionality & Human-Centred Values-A Scouting Report (2023), with Nishant, Longhan, in collaboration with the Professorship in Music-based Therapies and Interventions, and facilitated by the Stichting Doubleyoutee.
- Qing, F. (2023). “Public Laboratory” and “Management Cockpit”: The Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Hong Kong and Shenzhen’s Smart City Plans. In The International Association of Media and Communication Research. Lyon. The Chinese University of Hong Kong