Cassie Wen

Cassie Wen


Cassie Wen


With a combined background in language and literature, gender studies, and media, I am motivated to generate in-depth understandings about cultures through a socio-political lens. I am also keen on co-creation methods and narrative strategies for mission-driven projects.

My current research focus is on Chinese nonfictional narratives, and I aim to advance knowledge of the complex local literary realism. My other academic interests include poetics, transcultural queer politics and feminism, neo-Marxism, social linguistics, new literacy studies, postcolonialism, etc.

Besides, I have been engaged in multiple social organisations (in education, animal welfare, and crisis communication) in China and the UK.

Relevant Experience

  • Research Manager at The Reading Corner UK
  • Conferences
    • Queer from home – the Cultural Sentimentalism of queer Chinese diaspora in the United Kingdom, ‘Chinese Migration, Diaspora, and Mobility’ Conference, University of Cambridge, 2022.
    • The Rebellious Spirit of Subjectivity in Chinese Animation Nezha, International Symposium on Asian Children’s Literature, 2020.
    • Speech included in 我曾经和这个世界肝胆相照:2719文学对话录(2022), ‘Wang Dao’ Workshop, Fudan University, 2019. (ISBN:9787532179916)

Recent Activities


Academic Journal Articles

  • First Author. Distinction and Homogeneity of College Students' Self-Media Literature Production, Media Observers, 2020(11): 38-43. (ISSN: 1672-3406)
  • Second Author. 2020, June 10, Reopening Schools and Universities Helps Bridge the Educational Disparity Inflicted by the Pandemic, China Education Daily, Beijing. (ISSN: D739)
  • Independent Author. Gertrude's Subjectivity and Power Transition in Diachronic Direction, Masterpiece Reviews, 2020(18):167-170. (ISSN: 1006-0189)

Creative Writing

  • On/Off Her Way Home (poem and blog post), LSE Engenderings, published online in November 2022
  • Independent Author. A Summer by Two Rivers, Youth, 2020(06):75-81. (ISSN: 1005-2445)
  • Independent Author. Sorrowful Day, Yuhua, 2019(09):112-117. (ISSN: 1005-9059)


📍  Hong Kong SAR ✉️  wenwen@link.cuhk.edu.hk 🔗  apparitionalism.montaigne.io 🔗 Twitter: @2w_cassie