
Digital Narratives Studio

The Digital Narratives Studio is a collaborative, iterative, and provocative space to research, produce, and amplify the possibilities of hopeful action through narrative change.

Digital Narratives = Stories + Bodies + Media

Digital Narratives shape the stories being told, bodies telling them, and the media that shape them both to produce new meanings.

Digital Narratives Studio = fn (Stories + Bodies + Media) * Hope/Crises

Digital Narratives Studio shifts the narrative from politics of despair to hope; addressing urgencies beyond descriptions of crises, towards a state of action.

Authorship is a function. It experiments how we tell stories and is created by experiments of how these stories get told. The Fellowship in Experimental Authorship (#AuthEx) prototypes new characteristics of digital author needed to reframe crises.

How do we bring the body back into the stories of computation and networks? Narrative Change Residence (#N-ChaRE) creates ‘playbooks’ that centre care and collectivity to engage people in hopeful action for resilient futures.


Human truths are beyond computational verification. Reality Check (#ReCheck) is a consortium driven research practice to make space for expressions, stories, fictions, fantasies, and speculation, examining boundaries of digital meaning making.



16:00-18:00 8 May 2024

Annotation Exchange #2: A Reading Group on Narrative Change

The chosen text is a transcribed two-part conversation between Pato Hebert and Alexandra Juhasz, looking at PerpiTube: Repurposing Social Media Spaces (2011) and Pandemic Media (2022) as something like lenticular lenses whereby “viewers move in front of the image, different layers appear, animating space.



18:00-19:30 5 May 2024

The Technological Pandemic: The Present, Past, and Future of Coming Together

A Public Performance Lecture by Dr. Alexandra Juhasz (Brooklyn College, CUNY)



15:00-17:00 5 April 2024

Annotation Exchange #1: A Reading Group on Narrative Change

Finding a new approach to the traditional setting of an academic reading group, the DNS introduces the format of an Annotation Exchange (AnnEx) that puts authors, texts, and readers in a productive dialogue.



17:00-18:30 26th March 2024

Care as Digital Authorship: Negotiation, Performance, Presentation

Members of the first AuthEx Fellowship will present their findings and observations after a week-long collaboration into studying Digital Care-making.



10:30-12:00NN 12th January 2024

Digital Narratives Studio Talk Series #2: Facebook’s Faces

Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CibiyxFCXs

The talk is based on a published essay which was produced by our speaker—Dr.Chinmayi.



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