Board view3 viewsBoard viewGalleryListNameFellowsPublicationsN-ChaReDigital Narrative ChangeArtificial Intelligence: Systems of Intentionality & Human-Centred ValuesThe Last Political Mile | “The Last Mile” as a MetaphorGossip as Alternative Narrative —— A Case Study on Chinese Female Online CommunitySinful TalkThe Last Mile as Space? A Review of Ashish Rajadyahksha’s Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India“The Last Mile” in AmbiguityCall You SisterSinful TalkHow to put research and theory into practice?The Technological Pandemic: Building a critical inquiry frameworkA technology is a means…… of converging and separating different alive and life-making units… for transformation of an identified current state into anotherThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkComing together when nothing is back to normal EthicsIndiaHong KongDesignCivic TechInternet governanceNarrative ChangeDigital Narrative ChangeArtificial Intelligence: Systems of Intentionality & Human-Centred ValuesThe Last Political Mile | “The Last Mile” as a MetaphorGossip as Alternative Narrative —— A Case Study on Chinese Female Online CommunitySinful TalkDaisy Tam: “If the answers [to a problem] are exclusive, then no system will work.”The Last Mile as Space? A Review of Ashish Rajadyahksha’s Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India“The Last Mile” in AmbiguityCall You SisterSinful TalkHow to put research and theory into practice?The Technological Pandemic: Building a critical inquiry frameworkA technology is a means…… of converging and separating different alive and life-making units… for transformation of an identified current state into anotherThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkThe Technological Pandemic: Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry FrameworkComing together when nothing is back to normal AuthExAn Anxious Encounter: Redefining author function in the age of Generative AIThe Making of Misinformed ChoiceThe First FellowshipChinese Nonfiction Agencies on Digital PlatformsMisinformed Choice: Understanding it as a ‘Socio-Technical Imaginary’Tracing the anxiety in the landscape of Generative AIOn the Face of It: Controlling the Body on Xiaohongshu, the Chinese InstagramDaisy Tam: “If the answers [to a problem] are exclusive, then no system will work.”Fear + Anticipation = Anxiety: What are we anxious about in the face of Gen-AI“Care is more of a cultural technique: to organize responsibility and to look at the distribution of it at the cultural, political and social levels”Artificial Intelligence has a starring role in India’s 18th General ElectionsKnitting a Cocoon for Myself: Exploring Digital AUthorship on Social MediaThe Making of Misinformed Choice: The impact of digital technologies in election campaigns - insights from nine Asian countriesChanging Authenticity in Chinese Nonfiction feixugou: A Historical ReviewDigital Narratives Studio: Junior Research FellowshipExperimental AuthorshipAn Anxious Encounter: Redefining author function in the age of Generative AIThe Making of Misinformed ChoiceThe First FellowshipChinese Nonfiction Agencies on Digital PlatformsMisinformed Choice: Understanding it as a ‘Socio-Technical Imaginary’Tracing the anxiety in the landscape of Generative AIOn the Face of It: Controlling the Body on Xiaohongshu, the Chinese InstagramFear + Anticipation = Anxiety: What are we anxious about in the face of Gen-AI“Care is more of a cultural technique: to organize responsibility and to look at the distribution of it at the cultural, political and social levels”Artificial Intelligence has a starring role in India’s 18th General ElectionsKnitting a Cocoon for Myself: Exploring Digital AUthorship on Social MediaThe Making of Misinformed Choice: The impact of digital technologies in election campaigns - insights from nine Asian countriesChanging Authenticity in Chinese Nonfiction feixugou: A Historical ReviewDigital Narratives Studio: Junior Research Fellowship