
Narrative Change Practice


Building on past experiences and successful implementation of global residencies that harness collective knowledge and creative practices to create new approaches, frameworks, and models of engagement, the Narrative Change Residency (N-ChaRe) will produce training and orientation modules for societal stakeholders. Through innovative formats like digital deep-dives, online bootcamps, and collaborative making sessions, the residency works with high-profile experts from around the world to create innovative and cutting-edge knowledge which is used for training different actors in the narrative change practice, helping to create conditions for narrative change practice. Residents will be invited based on the need analysis research done with different stakeholders to make narrative change interventions.


Coming together when nothing is back to normal

Technical Pandemic Series #3



In the third blog entry of “Technological Pandemic” series, Dr. Sonia Wong focuses on connections, and the process of coming together, or putting people, ourselves, and our communities back together again.

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Continuing to Build a Critical Inquiry Framework

Technical Pandemic Series #2



In the second blog entry of “Technological Pandemic” series, Alexandra Juhasz starts from the continuty of pandemic to suggest technologies are time and travel machines arming us with what and where was before us and what and where we will be.

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Building a critical inquiry framework

Technical Pandemic Series #1



In our first blog entry of “Technological Pandemic” series, Nishant Shah makes an attempt to map the emergence, origin, and continuation of pandemic technologies and subjectivities, as they inform the present and future of coming together.

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Talk with Kasia Chmielinski

N-ChaRe Interview Series 1



In the “Crafting Caring Futures” series, we sit down with inspiring thinkers, activists, and practitioners for a few poignant questions. In our first interview, we talked with Kasia Chmielinski about their thoughts in the realm of data.



Three “Last Mile” Theses

Fangyu Qing



Photo by Barry Dale Gilfry on Flicker

In the final entry of the #LastMile blog series, Fangyu makes a recap and highlights three these of the Last Mile under the context of mainland China, where the long history of granting local discretion has enhanced its pragmatic problem-solving approach and multi-layered governance structure.

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How to put research and theory into practice?

Tobias Zuser



Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Together with a selected number of Knowledge Partners from different sectors of society, as well as high-profile scholars, we want to address the actual challenges that communities and organizations in Hong Kong, and elsewhere, are facing…

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Call You Sister

Xiaoyun Huang



Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

In this blog, Xiaoyun explores how members of the community address each other. Examining the discourse practices can shed light on the formation of the members’ collective identity and the feminist awakening within the community.

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“The Last Mile” in Ambiguity

Fangyu Qing



Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

This blog unpacks the term “last mile problem” with the concept of "ambiguity". In Fangyu’s understanding, such ambiguity can be seen as the cause of a "last mile space".

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The Last Mile as Space? A Review of Ashish Rajadyahksha’s Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India

Fangyu Qing



A screenshot of the cover of Dr. Ashish Rajadhyaksha’s report The Last Cultural Mile: An Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India.

This blog series aims to breathe life into the term "last mile," which originally stemmed from the telecommunication and logistics industry, and to unpack this term's metaphorical meaning and academic potential…

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Sinful Talk

Xiaoyun Huang



Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

In 2010, several fans of the Taiwanese Talk show Kangsi Coming (康熙來了) formed a group on China’s Douban App to discuss the marriage of show host Dee Hsu. This group was named Gossip Coming (八卦來了), which was later renamed Douban Goose Group (豆瓣鵝組)…

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Gossip as Alternative Narrative

A Case Study on Chinese Female Online Community

Xiaoyun Huang



Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash(cropped)

In April 2022, the Chinese government permanently shut down an online celebrity gossip community. While accumulating almost 700,000 female members over 10 years, this community transitioned from a celebrity gossip forum to a feminist space. Its original purpose notwithstanding, it gradually embraced feminist agitations, raised feminist awareness, and launched feminist actions…

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The Last Political Mile

“The Last Mile” as a Metaphor

Fangyu Qing



Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash (edited)

The Last Mile Problem is familiar to most people. In recent coverage, it refers to the "last mile" that exists in reality within telecommunication, public transportation, and logistics. In logistics, it refers to the final stage of the delivery process, where goods are transported from a distribution center to the customer’s doorstep. In telecommunications, the “last mile” problem refers to the final connection between a local telecommunications network and the end-user’s premises. It becomes a problem for the cost, infrastructure, and logistics in both industries…

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Artificial Intelligence: Systems of Intentionality & Human-Centred Values

A Scouting Report

Nishant Shah Fangyu Qing Longhan Wei



The report offers material and narrative frameworks and educational exercises to understand, critique, assess, influence and shape the future of Artificial Intelligence. The need for reimagining current paradigms of AI proliferation stem from the opaque and alienating practices conducted in and by these systems, that need an urgent unpacking to make our bodies, relations and futures safer and more transparent. Through the strength of Humanities, Arts, Social Humanities (HASH), as a crucial mediator between human values and AI systems, we propose human centred systems to build towards sustainable, equitable and resilient futures for both humans and AI.

The report was in collaboration with the Professorship in Music-based Therapies and Interventions, and facilitated by the Stichting Doubleyoutee.

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Digital Narrative Change

Tobias Zuser



Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

The Digital Narrative Studio aims to explore new approaches to (digital) narrative change, which involves changing of the narrative, the changes produced by narratives, and how the practice of narrative change can eventually lead to a re-engineering of hope.

Our recurring Narrative Change Residencies (N-ChaRe) will provide a platform for experts and educators in the field to work with various marginalized communities on narrative change interventions. N-ChaRe will happen in regular intervals and feature several days of online and offline events that also accommodate a wide variety of productive and educational formats, such as digital deep-dives, online bootcamps, and collaborative making sessions. We also work with local organizations to curate accompanying events and activities to engage the wider public.

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Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash